Shuvomoy Das Gupta


Shuvo Das Gupta
● Postdoc at Columbia IEOR
● Ph.D. from MIT Operations Research Center, 2024
● Incoming Assistant Professor at Rice CMOR (July 2025-)
● Email:

About Me

I am a Postdoctoral Research Scientist at the Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, Columbia University, hosted by Professor Christian Kroer and Professor Garud Iyengar. I recently obtained my Ph.D. from the Operations Research Center at MIT in May 2024. My research is primarily in optimization—both theory and application—and often both simultaneously.

Update. I will join the Department of Computational Applied Mathematics & Operations Research at Rice University as an Assistant Professor starting July 2025.




  • Honorable Mention, MIT Operations Research Center Best Student Paper Award, 2024

  • Winner, Informs Computing Society Student Paper Award, 2024 [citation]

  • Finalist, George Nicholson Student Paper Competition, 2024

Media Coverage

  • Risky Giant Steps Can Solve Optimization Problems Faster by Allison Parshall, Quanta Magazine, August 2023. [Quanta Article]

    • Also publicized in the Chinese magazine 机器之心 (Heart of the Machine), which is a well-known outlet in China for staying updated on advancements in AI, machine learning, data science, and related fields.

    • Also publicized in the Nautilus Magazine on September 5, 2023.



  • 6.7220: Nonlinear Optimization (Spring, 2023) [Teaching score: 6.9/7]

    • Teaching assistant for a course that aims to provide PhD students with a unified overview of convex optimization.

    • Duties: Assisting students, leading recitations, writing and marking assignments and exams.

    • Pdf of my recitation lectures: [pdf]

  • 15.S60: Computing in Optimization and Statistics (2023) [Teaching score: 7/7]

  • 15.S60: Computing in Optimization and Statistics (2022) [Teaching score 6.8/7]

  • 15.S08: Optimization of Energy Systems (Spring 2022) [Teaching score 6.0/7]

    • Teaching assistant for a course that aims to lead PhD or advanced master students to the forefront of energy system research.

    • Duties: Developing implementations of next generation power system models, assisting students, leading recitations, writing and marking assignments and exams.



  • Reviewer for:

    • Mathematical Programming

    • Transportation Research Part B: Methodological

    • IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems

    • American Control Conference

    • IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems

    • IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control

  • Session Chair, INFORMS Annual Meeting, 2022

  • Session Chair, INFORMS Annual Meeting, 2023

PhD Thesis

Advances in Computer-Assisted Design and Analysis of First-Order Optimization Methods and Related Problems [pdf]

MASc Thesis

Optimization Models for Energy-efficient Railway Timetables. [pdf]