Table of contents
is an open-source Julia
package to solve mixed-integer nonlinear optimization problems (MINLPs) to global optimality. It is an open-source implementation of the Adaptive Multivariate Partitioning (AMP) Algorithm proposed by Nagarajan et al in [Nagarajan2019]. AMP uses an adaptive, piecewise convexification scheme and constraint programming methods to solve MINLPs to global optimality. The benefit of Alpine
over other spatial branch-and-bound solvers is that it is entirely built upon JuMP
[Dunning2017] and MathOptInterface
[Legat2021] in Julia, which provides significant flexibility and modeling power.
We want to solve the following bilinear problem:
where is the decision variables. For this example, we let
Now, we will solve (BLP) step by step in Alpine
First, we load the packages.
## Load packages
using Alpine, JuMP, Gurobi, Ipopt
Now, we create a function that will construct the optimization model in JuMP
. For the optimization model to be classified as an MINLP, we need at least one nonlinear constraint or objective declared specifically in the JuMP
model. This can be achieved by using @NLobjective
or @NLconstraint
function BLPSolver(; solver = AlpineSolver)
# solver is either AlpineSolver or GurobiSolver (defined below)
d = 10
# declare the JuMP model
# ----------------------
m = Model(solver)
# declare the variable x ≧ 0
# ----------------------
@variable(m, x[1:d] >= 0)
# declare the constraints
# -----------------------
# add objective x[1] x[d] - x[2] x[d-1], which is to be maximized
if solver == GurobiSolver
@objective(m, Max, x[1] * x[d] - x[2] * x[d-1])
elseif solver == AlpineSolver
@NLobjective(m, Max, x[1] * x[d] - x[2] * x[d-1])
@error "correct solver type not given"
# add the constraints
# -------------------
# constraint ∑_{i=1:d} x[i] ≦ 10, conSum is the name of the constraint
@constraint(m, conSum, sum(x[i] for i in 1:d) <= 10)
# add the constraints (∀i ∈ [1:d-1]) x[i] x[i+1] ≤ 2,
# where the i-the constraint is called congBilinear1[i]
@constraint(m, conBilinear1[i=1:d-1], x[i] * x[i+1] <= 2)
# add constraint ∑_{i ∈ [1:d-1]} x[i] x[i+1] = 1, we call it
@constraint(m, conBilinear2, sum(x[i] * x[i+1] for i in 1:d-1) == 1)
# return the JuMP model
# ---------------------
return m
Now we will solve this problem using Alpine
. To implement the MAP algorithm, which is the core algorithm in Alpine
, we need:
(i) One local solver, which usually implements some variant of the nonlinear interior point algorithm to find a locally optimal solution to the MINLP. Solvers of this type that are supported by Alpine
via MathOptInterface
are: Ipopt
(ii) One mixed-integer optimization solver, that usually implements some sort of branch-and-bound algorithm to solve mixed-integer optimization problems (MIPs). During every iteration of the MAP algorithm, Alpine
solves an MIP sub-problem. Because MIPs are usually hard to solve, Alpine
's runtime heavily depends on the runtime of these solvers. The MIP solvers that are supported by Alpine
are: Cbc
, Gurobi
, and Bonmin
. In my numerical experiments, I have found Gurobi
to be the fastest and the Alpine
developers also recommend Gurobi
as well.
We set the local and global subsolvers, followed by setting Alpine
as the global solver as follows.
# function to set local subsolver as Ipopt
# ----------------------------------------
IpoptSolverAlpine = JuMP.optimizer_with_attributes(
MOI.Silent() => true
# function to set global subsolver as Gurobi
# ------------------------------------------
GRB_ENV = Gurobi.Env()
GurobiSolverAlpine = JuMP.optimizer_with_attributes(
() -> Gurobi.Optimizer(GRB_ENV),
MOI.Silent() => true,
"Presolve" => 0
# function to set Alpine as the global solver
# -------------------------------------------
AlpineSolver = JuMP.optimizer_with_attributes(
"nlp_solver" => IpoptSolverAlpine, # local solver
"mip_solver" => GurobiSolverAlpine, # global solver
"presolve_bt" => true,
# "partition_scaling_factor" => 10,
"apply_partitioning" => true,
"log_level" => 1
Define a Gurobi solver to solve the bilinear problem to global optimality.
GurobiSolver = JuMP.optimizer_with_attributes(
() -> Gurobi.Optimizer(GRB_ENV),
# MOI.Silent() => true,
"NonConvex" => 2
# means we are going to use Gurobi's spatial branch-and-bound algorithm
The options used in declaring the AlpineSolver
solver above are as follows (Source:
"nlp_solver" => IpoptSolverAlpine
sets Ipopt
as the local solver
"mip_solver" => GurobiSolverAlpine
sets Gurobi
as the global solver
"presolve_bt" => true
performs sequential optimization-based bound tightening (OBBT) at the presolve step. For more details about sequential OBBT, see Section 3.1.1 of
partition_scaling_factor => 10
is used to measure the width of new partitions relative to the active partition chosen in the sequentially solved lower-bounding MIPs. This value can substantially affect the run time for global convergence; this value can be set to different integer values (>= 4) for various classes of problems.
"apply_partitioning" => true
applies Alpine
's built-in MIP-based partitioning algorithm only (MAP) when activated; else terminates with the presolve solution.
"log_level" => 100
enables detailed debugging mode of Alpine
. The option log_level (default = 0)
controls the verbosity level of Alpine output; choose 1 for turning on logging, else 100 for detailed debugging mode.
Now we solve the problem using Alpine.
m = BLPSolver(solver = AlpineSolver)
The output is as follows.
Objective sense = Max
# Variables = 10
# Bin-Int Variables = 0
# Constraints = 11
# NL Constraints = 10
# Linear Constraints = 1
# Detected convex constraints = 0
# Detected nonlinear terms = 11
# Variables involved in nonlinear terms = 10
# Potential variables for partitioning = 10
NLP local solver = Ipopt
MIP solver = Gurobi
Maximum iterations (upper-bounding MIPs) = 99
Relative global optimality gap = 0.01%
Discretization ratio = 10
Bound-tightening presolve = true
Maximum iterations (OBBT) = 25
Doing local search
Local solver returns a feasible point with value 23.9792
Starting bound-tightening
Actual iterations (OBBT): 9
Post-presolve optimality gap: 0.569%
Completed presolve in 0.33s
| Iter | Incumbent | Best Incumbent | Upper Bound | Gap (%) | Time
| 1 | 23.9792 | 23.9792 | 24.009 | 0.124 | 0.34s
| 2 | 24.0 | 24.0 | 24.009 | 0.038 | 0.38s
| finish | 24.0 | 24.0 | 24.0021 | 0.009 | 0.46s
## *** Alpine ended with status OPTIMAL *** ##
Alternatively, we can also solve the problem in consideration to global optimality using Gurobi
as follows.
Now solve the problem.
mGurobi = BLPSolver(solver = GurobiSolver);
Output is as follows.
Presolve time: 0.00s
Presolved: 61 rows, 22 columns, 120 nonzeros
Presolved model has 20 bilinear constraint(s)
Variable types: 22 continuous, 0 integer (0 binary)
Root relaxation: objective 4.955556e+01, 22 iterations, 0.00 seconds (0.00 work units)
Nodes | Current Node | Objective Bounds | Work
Expl Unexpl | Obj Depth IntInf | Incumbent BestBd Gap | It/Node Time
0 0 49.55556 0 11 - 49.55556 - - 0s
H 0 0 23.9791576 49.55556 107% - 0s
0 0 24.99322 0 10 23.97916 24.99322 4.23% - 0s
0 0 24.99231 0 8 23.97916 24.99231 4.23% - 0s
0 0 24.99029 0 10 23.97916 24.99029 4.22% - 0s
0 0 24.99026 0 11 23.97916 24.99026 4.22% - 0s
0 2 24.99026 0 11 23.97916 24.99026 4.22% - 0s
H 5 6 23.9946925 24.95311 3.99% 11.0 0s
* 37 10 7 23.9961128 24.05999 0.27% 6.5 0s
* 45 12 8 23.9972011 24.01419 0.07% 5.6 0s
* 50 12 9 23.9980299 24.01286 0.06% 5.3 0s
* 57 12 9 23.9998195 24.01286 0.05% 4.8 0s
H 64 14 23.9999797 24.01166 0.05% 4.3 0s
H 141 65 23.9999994 24.00776 0.03% 2.2 0s
* 172 47 24 24.0000004 24.00776 0.03% 1.9 0s
* 185 47 24 24.0000004 24.00776 0.03% 1.7 0s
Cutting planes:
RLT: 13
Explored 562 nodes (382 simplex iterations) in 0.05 seconds (0.01 work units)
Thread count was 10 (of 10 available processors)
Solution count 10: 24 24 24 ... 23.9792
Optimal solution found (tolerance 1.00e-04)
Best objective 2.399999999991e+01, best bound 2.400042876397e+01, gap 0.0018%
User-callback calls 1347, time in user-callback 0.00 sec
Note that we have the same optimal value.
In certain applications, we may be interested in computing valid but tightened bounds on the variables rather than finding an optimal solution. One nice feature of Alpine is that, just by using its sequential OBBT algorithm, we can compute valid tightened bounds on the variables without solving the full problem. We can achieve this in two ways.
The first way is to set "apply_partitioning" => false
, which will terminate with the presolve solution but with tighter bounds.
The second way is keeping "apply_partitioning" => true,
but setting the option "rel_gap" => δ
, where δ is a number larger than or equal to the the default relative gap 1e-4
. This will lead to Alpine terminating at the relative gap δ, so with a suboptimal solution with optimality gap δ%, but with significantly tighter bounds on the variables.
For example, by inspecting BLP, we see that . We will now show how to tighten these bounds significantly by using the sequential OBBT feature of the AMP algorithm that is implemented in Alpine
## Set Alpine as the global solver but to compute tighter bounds via its presolve phase
AlpineSolver = JuMP.optimizer_with_attributes(
"nlp_solver" => IpoptSolverAlpine, # local solver
"mip_solver" => GurobiSolverAlpine, # global solver
"presolve_bt" => true,
"partition_scaling_factor" => 10,
"apply_partitioning" => false,
"log_level" => 1
Solve the bound tightening problem and get the tightened bounds on the variables.
mOBBT1 = BLPSolver(solver = AlpineSolver)
Let us get the lower bound and upper bound on our decision variable x
vars = all_variables(mOBBT1) #
lowerBoundVar = MOI.get.(mOBBT1, Alpine.TightenedLowerBound(), vars)
upperBoundVar = MOI.get.(mOBBT1, Alpine.TightenedUpperBound(), vars)
@info "[☼ ] Bound on the decision variable x is:"
for i in eachindex(vars)
@info "$(lowerBoundVar[i]) <= x[$(i)] <= $(upperBoundVar[i])"
The output is:
[ Info: [☼ ] Bound on the decision variable x is:
[ Info: 4.6326 <= x[1] <= 5.174300000000001
[ Info: 0.0 <= x[2] <= 0.2096
[ Info: 0.0 <= x[3] <= 0.030600000000000002
[ Info: 0.0 <= x[4] <= 0.030000000000000002
[ Info: 0.0 <= x[5] <= 0.030000000000000002
[ Info: 0.0 <= x[6] <= 0.030000000000000002
[ Info: 0.0 <= x[7] <= 0.030000000000000002
[ Info: 0.0 <= x[8] <= 0.030600000000000002
[ Info: 0.0 <= x[9] <= 0.2096
[ Info: 4.633100000000001 <= x[10] <= 5.1742
, which is significantly tighter than .
## Set Alpine as the global solver but to compute tighter bounds
AlpineSolver = JuMP.optimizer_with_attributes(
"nlp_solver" => IpoptSolverAlpine, # local solver
"mip_solver" => GurobiSolverAlpine, # global solver
"presolve_bt" => true,
"partition_scaling_factor" => 10,
"apply_partitioning" => true,
"rel_gap" => 5e-2, # it means that we will stop when we have relative gap [(UpperBound-LowerBound)/UpperBound] <= 50%, because our objective is just getting tightened bounds on the variables rather than finding globally optimal solution
"log_level" => 1
Solve the bound tightening problem and get the tightened bounds on the variables.
mOBBT2 = BLPSolver(solver = AlpineSolver)
Let us get the lower bound and upper bound on our decision variable x
vars = all_variables(mOBBT2) #
lowerBoundVar = MOI.get.(mOBBT2, Alpine.TightenedLowerBound(), vars)
upperBoundVar = MOI.get.(mOBBT2, Alpine.TightenedUpperBound(), vars)
@info "[☼ ] Bound on the decision variable x is:"
for i in eachindex(vars)
@info "$(lowerBoundVar[i]) <= x[$(i)] <= $(upperBoundVar[i])"
The output is:
[ Info: [☼ ] Bound on the decision variable x is:
[ Info: 3.8099000000000003 <= x[1] <= 5.7202
[ Info: 0.0 <= x[2] <= 0.2625
[ Info: 0.0 <= x[3] <= 0.334
[ Info: 0.0 <= x[4] <= 0.329
[ Info: 0.0 <= x[5] <= 0.329
[ Info: 0.0 <= x[6] <= 0.329
[ Info: 0.0 <= x[7] <= 0.329
[ Info: 0.0 <= x[8] <= 0.3508
[ Info: 0.0 <= x[9] <= 0.264
[ Info: 4.341 <= x[10] <= 5.7131
, which is significantly tighter than .
[Nagarajan2019] Nagarajan, Harsha, et al. "An adaptive, multivariate partitioning algorithm for global optimization of nonconvex programs." Journal of Global Optimization 74.4 (2019): 639-675.
[Legat2021] Legat, Benoît, et al. "MathOptInterface: a data structure for mathematical optimization problems." INFORMS Journal on Computing 34.2 (2022): 672-689.
[Dunning2017] Dunning, Iain, Joey Huchette, and Miles Lubin. "JuMP: A modeling language for mathematical optimization." SIAM review 59.2 (2017): 295-320.