Table of contents
We consider optimization problem of the form:
where is the decision variable, and each of the matrices and are also in . By the notation , we denote the set of all symmetric matrices.
First, we load the necessary Julia
using SCS, COSMO, MosekTools, JuMP, LinearAlgebra
using BenchmarkTools
Let us create data randomly.
function random_mat_create(n)
# this function creates a symmetric n×n matrix
A = randn(n,n)
A = A'*A
A = (A+A')/2
return A
Here is the data generation process, please change it to your need.
n = 10
m = 20
# set of all data matrices A_i
# the data matrix A = [A1 A2 A3 ....]
A = zeros(n, m*n)
b = zeros(m)
# just ensuring our problem is feasible
X_test = rand(n,n)
X_test = X_test'*X_test
X_test = (X_test+X_test')/2
for i in 1:m
A[:, (i-1)*n+1:i*n] .= random_mat_create(n)
b[i] = tr(A[:, (i-1)*n+1:i*n]*X_test)
C = abs.(random_mat_create(n))
The following function solves the underlying SDP.
function solve_SDP(A, b, C; solver_name=:COSMO)
# Create variable
if solver_name == :COSMO
model = Model(COSMO.Optimizer)
elseif solver_name == :Mosek
model = Model(optimizer_with_attributes(Mosek.Optimizer))
@variable(model, X[1:n, 1:n], PSD)
@objective(model, Min, tr(C * X));
for j in 1:m
A_j = A[:, (j - 1) * n + 1:j * n]
@constraint(model, tr(A_j * X) == b[j])
status = JuMP.termination_status(model)
X_sol = JuMP.value.(X)
obj_value = JuMP.objective_value(model)
return status, X_sol, obj_value
Time to solve the problem.
status, X_sol, obj_value = solve_SDP(A, b, C; solver_name=:Mosek)
out: (MathOptInterface.OPTIMAL, [2.907044311952373 1.7130367276575142 … -0.056145513617222656 3.0230926674218024; 1.7130367276575142 3.419039624378557 … 1.0871948703965775 2.0577919984154334; … ; -0.056145513617222656 1.0871948703965775 … 0.7127834057861842 0.5195987956934747; 3.0230926674218024 2.0577919984154334 … 0.5195987956934747 4.234108180247669], 939.2696385581793)
Lets see which solver is faster, COSMO
or Mosek
b1 = @benchmark solve_SDP(A, b, C; solver_name=:COSMO)
println("benchmark for COSMO")
io = IOBuffer()
show(io, "text/plain", b1)
s = String(take!(io))
benchmark for COSMO
memory estimate: 4.33 MiB
allocs estimate: 35786
minimum time: 36.964 ms (0.00% GC)
median time: 40.552 ms (0.00% GC)
mean time: 40.787 ms (1.14% GC)
maximum time: 46.920 ms (9.97% GC)
samples: 123
evals/sample: 1
b2 = @benchmark solve_SDP(A, b, C; solver_name=:Mosek)
println("benchmark for Mosek")
io = IOBuffer()
show(io, "text/plain", b2)
s = String(take!(io))
benchmark for Mosek
memory estimate: 3.81 MiB
allocs estimate: 32015
minimum time: 6.647 ms (0.00% GC)
median time: 7.524 ms (0.00% GC)
mean time: 8.374 ms (5.00% GC)
maximum time: 19.410 ms (25.35% GC)
samples: 597
evals/sample: 1
So, on average, Mosek
seems to be 5 times faster than COSMO
where is the unit vector with th component equal to and the rest being zero. Next, define
Then, the performance estimation optimization algorithm is:
where the decision variables are and
# Load the packages
using JuMP, MosekTools, Mosek, LinearAlgebra, SCS, COSMO, Literate, OffsetArrays
# %% Some helper functions
# %% construct e_i in R^n
function e_i(n, i)
e_i_vec = zeros(n, 1)
e_i_vec[i] = 1
return e_i_vec
# %% construct symmetric outer product
function ⊙(a,b)
return ((a*b')+(b*a')) ./ 2
# %% Parameters to be tuned
N = 5
L = 1
μ = 0
c_w = 1
c_f = 0
Putting everything in a function. Now, let us put everything in a function. We need to add the packages first.
function full_pep_solver(N, L, μ, c_w, c_f)
# define all the bold vectors
# --------------------------
# define 𝐰_0
𝐰_0 = e_i(N+2, 1)
𝐰_star = zeros(N+2, 1)
𝐠_star = zeros(N+2,1)
# define 𝐠_0, 𝐠_1, …, 𝐠_N
# first we define 𝐠_Julia vectors and then 𝐠 vectors
𝐠 = OffsetArray(zeros(N+2, N+1), 1:N+2, 0:N)
# 𝐠= [𝐠_0 𝐠_1 𝐠_2 ... 𝐠_N]
for i in 0:N
𝐠[:,i] = e_i(N+2, i+2)
𝐟_star = zeros(N+1,1)
# time to define 𝐟_0, 𝐟_1, …, 𝐟_N
𝐟 = OffsetArray(zeros(N+1, N+1), 1:N+1, 0:N)
# 𝐟 = [𝐟_0, 𝐟_1, …, 𝐟_N]
for i in 0:N
𝐟[:,i] = e_i(N+1, i+1)
# Define JuMP model
# ----------------
pep_model = Model(optimizer_with_attributes(Mosek.Optimizer, "MSK_DPAR_INTPNT_CO_TOL_PFEAS" => 1e-10))
#define all the variables
# -------------------------------
# define α′ (can be typed as \alpha[TAB]\prime[TAB])
@variable(pep_model, α′[1:N, 0:N-1])
# define λ variables
@variable(pep_model, λ_i_ip1[0:N-1] >= 0)
# this defines (λ_{i,i+1})_{i∈[0:N-1]} in Julia indexing
@variable(pep_model, λ_star_i[0:N] >= 0)
# this defines (λ_{⋆,i})_{i∈[0:N]} in Julia indexing
# define τ
@variable(pep_model, τ >= 0)
# define objective
# ------------------
# Add the linear equality constraint
# ----------------------------------
τ * c_f .* 𝐟[:,0] + sum(λ_i_ip1[i] .* (𝐟[:,i+1]-𝐟[:,i]) for i in 0:N-1)
+ sum(λ_star_i[i] .* (𝐟[:,i] - 𝐟_star) for i in 0:N)
.== 𝐟[:,N] - 𝐟_star
# add the LMI constraint now
# term_1:
c_w * τ * ⊙(𝐰_0,𝐰_0) +
# term_2 (part 1+part 2):
(sum(λ_i_ip1[i] .* ⊙(𝐠[:,i]-𝐠[:,i+1],𝐠[:,i]-𝐠[:,i+1]) for i in 0:N-1) +
sum(λ_star_i[i] .* ⊙(𝐠_star - 𝐠[:,i],𝐠_star - 𝐠[:,i]) for i in 0:N) ) ./ (2*L) +
# term_3:
(- λ_star_i[0] .* ⊙(𝐠[:,0],𝐰_0) ) +
# term_4 part 1:
(- sum( λ_i_ip1[i] .* ⊙(𝐠[:,i],𝐰_0) for i in 1:N-1)) +
# term_4 part 2:
(1/L) .* sum( sum(α′[i,j] .* ⊙(𝐠[:,i],𝐠[:,j]) for j in 0:i-1) for i in 1:N-1) +
# term 5:
(- (⊙(𝐠[:,N],𝐰_0) - (1/L) .* sum(α′[N,j] .* ⊙(𝐠[:,N],𝐠[:,j]) for j in 0:N-1))) +
# term_6 part 1:
sum(λ_i_ip1[i] .* ⊙(𝐠[:,i+1],𝐰_0) for i in 0:N-1) +
# term_6 part 2:
(- (1/L) .* sum( sum( α′[i,j] .* ⊙(𝐠[:,i+1],𝐠[:,j]) for j in 0:i-1) for i in 1:N-1))
in PSDCone()
# time to optimize!
# -----------------
println("termination status =", termination_status(pep_model) )
α′_opt = OffsetArray(value.(α′), 1:N, 0:N-1)
λ_opt_i_ip1 = OffsetVector(value.(λ_i_ip1), 0:N-1)
λ_opt_star_i = OffsetVector(value.(λ_star_i), 0:N)
τ_opt = value(τ)
# Recover α_{i,j} from α′_{i,j}
# -----------------------------
α_opt = OffsetArray(zeros(size(α′_opt)), 1:N, 0:N-1)
for i in 1:N-1
for j in 0:i-1
α_opt[i,j] = (α′_opt[i,j] / λ_opt_i_ip1[i])
for j in 0:N-1
α_opt[N,j] = α′_opt[N,j]
# Recover h_{i,j} from α_{i,j}
# ----------------------------
h_opt = OffsetArray(zeros(size(α_opt)), 1:N, 0:N-1)
# set h(1,0)
h_opt[1,0] = α_opt[1,0]
# set the rest of the variables
for i in 2:N
for j in 0:i-1
if j == i-1
h_opt[i,j] = α_opt[i,j]
h_opt[i,j] = α_opt[i,j] - α_opt[i-1,j]
# return all the outputs
# ----------------------
return α′_opt, λ_opt_i_ip1, λ_opt_star_i, τ_opt, α_opt, h_opt
Time to run and test.
α′_opt, λ_opt_i_ip1, λ_opt_star_i, τ_opt, α_opt, h_opt = full_pep_solver(N, L, μ, c_w, c_f)