Table of contents
Optimization problem. The optimization problem is
where is the class of -smooth convex functions.
Fixed-step first-order algorithm. The optimization algorithm in consideration is:
where we use the notation that and and are related via the following relationship:
Notation. Denote,
where is the unit vector with th component equal to and the rest being zero. Next, define
Then, the performance estimation optimization algorithm is:
where the decision variables are and Let us see, how we can solve this problem in Julia
# Load the packages
using JuMP, MosekTools, Mosek, LinearAlgebra, OffsetArrays
# %% Some helper functions
# %% construct e_i in R^n
function e_i(n, i)
e_i_vec = zeros(n, 1)
e_i_vec[i] = 1
return e_i_vec
# %% construct symmetric outer product
function ⊙(a,b)
return ((a*b')+(b*a')) ./ 2
# %% Parameters to be tuned
N = 5
L = 1
μ = 0
c_w = 1
c_f = 0
Next, define the bold vectors:
where is the unit vector with th component equal to and the rest being zero.
# define all the bold vectors
# --------------------------
# define 𝐰_0
𝐰_0 = e_i(N+2, 1)
𝐰_star = zeros(N+2, 1)
𝐠_star = zeros(N+2,1)
# define 𝐠_0, 𝐠_1, …, 𝐠_N
# first we define 𝐠_Julia vectors and then 𝐠 vectors
𝐠 = OffsetArray(zeros(N+2, N+1), 1:N+2, 0:N)
# 𝐠= [𝐠_0 𝐠_1 𝐠_2 ... 𝐠_N]
for i in 0:N
𝐠[:,i] = e_i(N+2, i+2)
𝐟_star = zeros(N+1,1)
# time to define 𝐟_0, 𝐟_1, …, 𝐟_N
𝐟 = OffsetArray(zeros(N+1, N+1), 1:N+1, 0:N)
# 𝐟 = [𝐟_0, 𝐟_1, …, 𝐟_N]
for i in 0:N
𝐟[:,i] = e_i(N+1, i+1)
Next, we define our decision variables using JuMP
pep_model = Model(optimizer_with_attributes(Mosek.Optimizer, "MSK_DPAR_INTPNT_CO_TOL_PFEAS" => 1e-10))
# time to define all the variables
# -------------------------------
# define α′ (can be typed as \alpha[TAB]\prime[TAB])
@variable(pep_model, α′[1:N, 0:N-1])
# define λ variables
@variable(pep_model, λ_i_ip1[0:N-1] >= 0)
# this defines (λ_{i,i+1})_{i∈[0:N-1]} in Julia indexing
@variable(pep_model, λ_star_i[0:N] >= 0)
# this defines (λ_{⋆,i})_{i∈[0:N]} in Julia indexing
# define τ
@variable(pep_model, τ >= 0)
Define the objective next, which is to minimize .
# define objective
Time to add the linear constraint
first, which are much simpler.
# Add the linear equality constraint
# ----------------------------------
τ * c_f .* 𝐟[:,0] + sum(λ_i_ip1[i] .* (𝐟[:,i+1]-𝐟[:,i]) for i in 0:N-1)
+ sum(λ_star_i[i] .* (𝐟[:,i] - 𝐟_star) for i in 0:N)
.== 𝐟[:,N] - 𝐟_star
Now let us construct the giant sdp constraint step by step. It has 6 summands, which we add one by one.
# Add the giant LMI constraint step by step
# ----------------------------------------
Term 1 is
term_1 = c_w * τ * ⊙(𝐰_0,𝐰_0)
Term 2 is
term_2_part_1 = sum(λ_i_ip1[i] .* ⊙(𝐠[:,i]-𝐠[:,i+1],𝐠[:,i]-𝐠[:,i+1]) for i in 0:N-1)
term_2_part_2 = sum(λ_star_i[i] .* ⊙(𝐠_star - 𝐠[:,i],𝐠_star - 𝐠[:,i]) for i in 0:N)
term_2 = (term_2_part_1 + term_2_part_2) ./ (2*L)
Term 3 is .
term_3 = - λ_star_i[0] .* ⊙(𝐠[:,0],𝐰_0)
Term 4 is
term_4_part_1 = - sum( λ_i_ip1[i] .* ⊙(𝐠[:,i],𝐰_0) for i in 1:N-1)
term_4_part_2 = (1/L) .*
sum( sum(α′[i,j] .* ⊙(𝐠[:,i],𝐠[:,j]) for j in 0:i-1) for i in 1:N-1)
term_4 = term_4_part_1 + term_4_part_2
Term 5 is
term_5 = - ( ⊙(𝐠[:,N],𝐰_0) - (1/L) .* sum(α′[N,j] .* ⊙(𝐠[:,N],𝐠[:,j]) for j in 0:N-1))
Okay, we are almost there. One more term. Term 6 is:
term_6_part_1 = sum(λ_i_ip1[i] .* ⊙(𝐠[:,i+1],𝐰_0) for i in 0:N-1)
term_6_part_2 = - (1/L) .*
sum( sum( α′[i,j] .* ⊙(𝐠[:,i+1],𝐠[:,j]) for j in 0:i-1) for i in 1:N-1)
term_6 = term_6_part_1 + term_6_part_2
Time to add all these terms to construct :
# oof, okay constructed the terms for the LMI constraint, let us hope that there is no mistake and add them together
S_mat = term_1 + term_2 + term_3 + term_4 + term_5 + term_6
Let's add the LMI cosntraint .
# add the LMI constraint now
S_mat in PSDCone()
Time to optimize the code now!
# time to optimize!
# -----------------
println("termination status =", termination_status(pep_model) )
The output is as follows.
# Problem
# Name :
# Objective sense : min
# Type : CONIC (conic optimization problem)
# Constraints : 34
# Cones : 0
# Scalar variables : 37
# Matrix variables : 1
# Integer variables : 0
# Optimizer started.
# Presolve started.
# Linear dependency checker started.
# Linear dependency checker terminated.
# Eliminator started.
# Freed constraints in eliminator : 5
# Eliminator terminated.
# Eliminator started.
# Freed constraints in eliminator : 0
# Eliminator terminated.
# Eliminator - tries : 2 time : 0.00
# Lin. dep. - tries : 1 time : 0.05
# Lin. dep. - number : 0
# Presolve terminated. Time: 0.08
# Problem
# Name :
# Objective sense : min
# Type : CONIC (conic optimization problem)
# Constraints : 34
# Cones : 0
# Scalar variables : 37
# Matrix variables : 1
# Integer variables : 0
# Optimizer - threads : 4
# Optimizer - solved problem : the primal
# Optimizer - Constraints : 29
# Optimizer - Cones : 1
# Optimizer - Scalar variables : 23 conic : 16
# Optimizer - Semi-definite variables: 1 scalarized : 28
# Factor - setup time : 0.02 dense det. time : 0.00
# Factor - ML order time : 0.00 GP order time : 0.00
# Factor - nonzeros before factor : 423 after factor : 435
# Factor - dense dim. : 0 flops : 1.21e+04
# 0 1.0e+00 1.0e+00 1.0e+00 0.00e+00 0.000000000e+00 0.000000000e+00 1.0e+00 0.20
# 1 2.7e-01 2.7e-01 1.2e-01 2.14e+00 -2.378627944e-02 -6.117274954e-03 2.7e-01 0.28
# 2 1.2e-01 1.2e-01 2.9e-02 1.32e+00 7.175923608e-02 7.139302023e-02 1.2e-01 0.30
# 3 4.2e-02 4.2e-02 6.9e-03 1.05e+00 4.477758503e-02 4.729110878e-02 4.2e-02 0.30
# 4 2.3e-02 2.3e-02 2.9e-03 7.37e-01 2.880293993e-02 3.057913998e-02 2.3e-02 0.31
# 5 6.7e-03 6.7e-03 4.0e-04 9.85e-01 3.356646000e-02 3.302278094e-02 6.7e-03 0.33
# 6 2.5e-03 2.5e-03 1.1e-04 6.92e-01 2.291866424e-02 2.288414204e-02 2.5e-03 0.33
# 7 6.6e-04 6.6e-04 1.5e-05 8.71e-01 2.066303721e-02 2.066465445e-02 6.6e-04 0.33
# 8 9.8e-05 9.8e-05 8.8e-07 8.83e-01 1.883068878e-02 1.882786667e-02 9.8e-05 0.33
# 9 1.7e-06 1.7e-06 1.9e-09 9.93e-01 1.859217137e-02 1.859212284e-02 1.7e-06 0.33
# 10 4.0e-08 4.0e-08 7.3e-12 1.00e+00 1.858820828e-02 1.858820710e-02 4.0e-08 0.34
# 11 2.1e-09 2.1e-09 8.5e-14 1.00e+00 1.858813924e-02 1.858813917e-02 2.1e-09 0.34
# 12 7.9e-11 1.8e-10 6.3e-16 1.00e+00 1.858813673e-02 1.858813673e-02 7.9e-11 0.34
# Optimizer terminated. Time: 0.45
# termination status =OPTIMAL
We now collect the optimal values of our decision variables.
# Collect the decision variables
# -----------------------------
α′_opt = OffsetArray(value.(α′), 1:N, 0:N-1)
λ_opt_i_ip1 = OffsetVector(value.(λ_i_ip1), 0:N-1)
λ_opt_star_i = OffsetVector(value.(λ_star_i), 0:N)
τ_opt = value(τ)
The resultant is as follows.
# α′_opt =
# [
# 0.314962 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
# 0.641151 0.722442 0.0 0.0 0.0
# 1.05006 1.38407 1.2547 0.0 0.0
# 1.54002 2.17685 2.32945 1.90951 0.0
# 1.92565 2.8008 3.17533 2.96989 2.07777
# ]
Next, we recover from using the formula
# Recover α_{i,j} from α′_{i,j}
# -----------------------------
α_opt = OffsetArray(zeros(size(α′_opt)), 1:N, 0:N-1)
for i in 1:N-1
for j in 0:i-1
α_opt[i,j] = (α′_opt[i,j] / λ_opt_i_ip1[i])
for j in 0:N-1
α_opt[N,j] = α′_opt[N,j]
The output for α_opt
is as follows.
# α_opt
# =
# [
# 1.61803 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
# 1.79217 2.01939 0.0 0.0 0.0
# 1.86775 2.46185 2.23175 0.0 0.0
# 1.90789 2.69683 2.88589 2.36563 0.0
# 1.92565 2.8008 3.17533 2.96989 2.07777
# ]
We now, recover from using the formula
# Recover h_{i,j} from α_{i,j}
h_opt = OffsetArray(zeros(size(α_opt)), 1:N, 0:N-1)
# set h(1,0)
h_opt[1,0] = α_opt[1,0]
for i in 2:N
for j in 0:i-1
if j == i-1
h_opt[i,j] = α_opt[i,j]
h_opt[i,j] = α_opt[i,j] - α_opt[i-1,j]
We have the following values for h_opt
# h_opt
# =
# [
# 1.61803 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
# 0.174133 2.01939 0.0 0.0 0.0
# 0.0755813 0.442461 2.23175 0.0 0.0
# 0.0401385 0.234975 0.654138 2.36563 0.0
# 0.0177604 0.103971 0.289442 0.604262 2.07777
# ]
Now, let us put everything in a function. We need to add the packages first.
function full_pep_solver(N, L, μ, c_w, c_f)
# define all the bold vectors
# --------------------------
# define 𝐰_0
𝐰_0 = e_i(N+2, 1)
𝐰_star = zeros(N+2, 1)
𝐠_star = zeros(N+2,1)
# define 𝐠_0, 𝐠_1, …, 𝐠_N
# first we define 𝐠_Julia vectors and then 𝐠 vectors
𝐠 = OffsetArray(zeros(N+2, N+1), 1:N+2, 0:N)
# 𝐠= [𝐠_0 𝐠_1 𝐠_2 ... 𝐠_N]
for i in 0:N
𝐠[:,i] = e_i(N+2, i+2)
𝐟_star = zeros(N+1,1)
# time to define 𝐟_0, 𝐟_1, …, 𝐟_N
𝐟 = OffsetArray(zeros(N+1, N+1), 1:N+1, 0:N)
# 𝐟 = [𝐟_0, 𝐟_1, …, 𝐟_N]
for i in 0:N
𝐟[:,i] = e_i(N+1, i+1)
# Define JuMP model
# ----------------
pep_model = Model(optimizer_with_attributes(Mosek.Optimizer, "MSK_DPAR_INTPNT_CO_TOL_PFEAS" => 1e-10))
#define all the variables
# -------------------------------
# define α′ (can be typed as \alpha[TAB]\prime[TAB])
@variable(pep_model, α′[1:N, 0:N-1])
# define λ variables
@variable(pep_model, λ_i_ip1[0:N-1] >= 0)
# this defines (λ_{i,i+1})_{i∈[0:N-1]} in Julia indexing
@variable(pep_model, λ_star_i[0:N] >= 0)
# this defines (λ_{⋆,i})_{i∈[0:N]} in Julia indexing
# define τ
@variable(pep_model, τ >= 0)
# define objective
# ------------------
# Add the linear equality constraint
# ----------------------------------
τ * c_f .* 𝐟[:,0] + sum(λ_i_ip1[i] .* (𝐟[:,i+1]-𝐟[:,i]) for i in 0:N-1)
+ sum(λ_star_i[i] .* (𝐟[:,i] - 𝐟_star) for i in 0:N)
.== 𝐟[:,N] - 𝐟_star
# Add the giant LMI constraint step by step
# ----------------------------------------
# Define all the terms one by one
term_1 = c_w * τ * ⊙(𝐰_0,𝐰_0)
term_2_part_1 = sum(λ_i_ip1[i] .* ⊙(𝐠[:,i]-𝐠[:,i+1],𝐠[:,i]-𝐠[:,i+1]) for i in 0:N-1)
term_2_part_2 = sum(λ_star_i[i] .* ⊙(𝐠_star - 𝐠[:,i],𝐠_star - 𝐠[:,i]) for i in 0:N)
term_2 = (term_2_part_1 + term_2_part_2) ./ (2*L)
term_3 = - λ_star_i[0] .* ⊙(𝐠[:,0],𝐰_0)
term_4_part_1 = - sum( λ_i_ip1[i] .* ⊙(𝐠[:,i],𝐰_0) for i in 1:N-1)
term_4_part_2 = (1/L) .*
sum( sum(α′[i,j] .* ⊙(𝐠[:,i],𝐠[:,j]) for j in 0:i-1) for i in 1:N-1)
term_4 = term_4_part_1 + term_4_part_2
term_5 = - ( ⊙(𝐠[:,N],𝐰_0) - (1/L) .* sum(α′[N,j] .* ⊙(𝐠[:,N],𝐠[:,j]) for j in 0:N-1))
term_6_part_1 = sum(λ_i_ip1[i] .* ⊙(𝐠[:,i+1],𝐰_0) for i in 0:N-1)
term_6_part_2 = - (1/L) .*
sum( sum( α′[i,j] .* ⊙(𝐠[:,i+1],𝐠[:,j]) for j in 0:i-1) for i in 1:N-1)
term_6 = term_6_part_1 + term_6_part_2
# oof, okay constructed the terms for the LMI constraint, let us hope that there is no mistake and add them together
S_mat = term_1 + term_2 + term_3 + term_4 + term_5 + term_6
# add the LMI constraint now
S_mat in PSDCone()
# time to optimize!
# -----------------
println("termination status =", termination_status(pep_model) )
α′_opt = OffsetArray(value.(α′), 1:N, 0:N-1)
λ_opt_i_ip1 = OffsetVector(value.(λ_i_ip1), 0:N-1)
λ_opt_star_i = OffsetVector(value.(λ_star_i), 0:N)
τ_opt = value(τ)
# Recover α_{i,j} from α′_{i,j}
# -----------------------------
α_opt = OffsetArray(zeros(size(α′_opt)), 1:N, 0:N-1)
for i in 1:N-1
for j in 0:i-1
α_opt[i,j] = (α′_opt[i,j] / λ_opt_i_ip1[i])
for j in 0:N-1
α_opt[N,j] = α′_opt[N,j]
# Recover h_{i,j} from α_{i,j}
# ----------------------------
h_opt = OffsetArray(zeros(size(α_opt)), 1:N, 0:N-1)
# set h(1,0)
h_opt[1,0] = α_opt[1,0]
# set the rest of the variables
for i in 2:N
for j in 0:i-1
if j == i-1
h_opt[i,j] = α_opt[i,j]
h_opt[i,j] = α_opt[i,j] - α_opt[i-1,j]
# return all the outputs
# ----------------------
return α′_opt, λ_opt_i_ip1, λ_opt_star_i, τ_opt, α_opt, h_opt
Time to run and test.
α′_opt, λ_opt_i_ip1, λ_opt_star_i, τ_opt, α_opt, h_opt = full_pep_solver(N, L, μ, c_w, c_f)