Automated SDP relaxation of QCQPs in JuMP+Julia

Shuvomoy Das Gupta

August 27, 2022

In this blog, we discuss how to construct automatic SDP relaxation of a nonconvex QCQP in Julia+JuMP (based on tips from Benoît Legat).

Example QCQP

Consider the following QCQP as an example:

p=(minimizec1x+c2y+c3tr(Z)subject toa1xy+A1([xy])=Z,xy+A2([xy])0,Z=PP,)(1) p^{\star}=\left(\begin{array}{ll} \textrm{minimize} & c_{1}^{\top}x+c_{2}^{\top}y+c_{3}\mathbf{tr}(Z)\\ \textrm{subject to} & a_{1}xy^{\top}+A_{1}\left(\begin{bmatrix}x\\ y \end{bmatrix}\right)=Z,\\ & xy^{\top}+A_{2}\left(\begin{bmatrix}x\\ y \end{bmatrix}\right)\leq0,\\ & Z=PP^{\top}, \end{array}\right)\quad(1)

where the decision variables are: x,yR2, P,ZS2x,y\in\mathbf{R}^{2},\; P,Z\in\mathbf{S}^{2}. We have the bound information that the optimal value lies between [400,200][-400,-200]. Here A1,A2A_1, A_2 are linear operators from R4\mathbf{R}^4 to S2\mathbf{S}^2. First, let us solve the problem to global optimality using Gurobi+JuMP.

# Load the packages
using JuMP, Gurobi, MosekTools, Mosek, LinearAlgebra, DiffOpt
# Problem data:
c_1 = [-3; -5]
c_2 = [2; -5]
c_3 = -1
a_1 = 4
A_1_op(x,y) = [3*x[1]+2*y[2] -x[2]+y[1]; -x[2]+y[1] -4*x[2]+y[2]]
A_2_op(x,y) = [2*x[1]-5*y[2] -3*x[2]+2*y[1]; -3*x[2]+2*y[1] 4*x[2]-7*y[2]]
x_lb = 0
x_ub = 5
y_lb = 0
y_ub = 10

Solving the QCQP to global optimality

function QCQP_solver(c_1, c_2, c_3, a_1, x_lb, x_ub, y_lb, y_ub)

    nonlinear_model = Model(Gurobi.Optimizer)

    set_optimizer_attribute(nonlinear_model, "NonConvex", 2)

    @variable(nonlinear_model, x_lb <= x[1:2] <= x_ub)

    @variable(nonlinear_model, y_lb <= y[1:2] <= y_ub)

    @variable(nonlinear_model, Z[1:2, 1:2], Symmetric)

    @variable(nonlinear_model, P[1:2, 1:2])

    @objective( nonlinear_model, Min, c_1'*x + c_2'*y + c_3*tr(Z) )

    con_shape = SymmetricMatrixShape(2)

    QuadCon1 = @constraint(nonlinear_model, vectorize(a_1*x*transpose(y) + A_1_op(x,y) - Z, con_shape) .== 0 )

    QuadCon2 = @constraint(nonlinear_model, vectorize(x*transpose(y) + A_2_op(x,y), con_shape) .<= 0 )

    SDPCon3 = @constraint(nonlinear_model, vectorize(Z - P*P', con_shape) .== 0 )

    @constraint(nonlinear_model, c_1'*x + c_2'*y + c_3*tr(Z) >= -400 )

    @constraint(nonlinear_model, c_1'*x + c_2'*y + c_3*tr(Z) <= -200 )


    p_star = objective_value(nonlinear_model)

    x_star = value.(x)

    y_star = value.(y)

    Z_star = value.(Z)

    @show x_star

    @show y_star

    @show Z_star

    @show p_star

    return x_star, y_star, Z_star, p_star


Let us run the function.

x_star, y_star, Z_star, p_star = QCQP_solver(c_1, c_2, c_3, a_1, x_lb, x_ub, y_lb, y_ub)

Extracting the data to construct SDP relaxation

We have three quadratic constraint arrays in (1). The third one is just Z0Z\succeq0, so we can just model that. For the first and second, we want to convert them into standard form quadratic constraints.

Defining w=vec(x,y)w=\textrm{vec}(x,y) we want to write the first quadratic constraint

a1xy+A1([xy])=Z a_{1}xy^{\top}+A_{1}\left(\begin{bmatrix}x\\ y \end{bmatrix}\right)=Z


wP1(k,)w+q1(k,)w+r1(k,)=Zk,k[1:2],  [1:k], w^{\top}P_{1}^{(k,\ell)}w+q_{1}^{(k,\ell)\top}w+r_{1}^{(k,\ell)}=Z_{k,\ell}\quad k\in[1:2],\;\ell\in[1:k],

and we want to write the second quadratic constraint

xy+A2([xy])0 xy^{\top}+A_{2}\left(\begin{bmatrix}x\\ y \end{bmatrix}\right) \leq 0


wP2(k,)w+q2(k,)w+r2(k,)0,k[1:2],  [1:k], w^{\top}P_{2}^{(k,\ell)}w+q_{2}^{(k,\ell)\top}w+r_{2}^{(k,\ell)} \leq 0, \quad k\in[1:2],\;\ell\in[1:k],

where Pi(k,),qi(k,),ri(k,)P_{i}^{(k,\ell)},q_{i}^{(k,\ell)},r_{i}^{(k,\ell)} are problemdata that we are going to extract from the original problem.

Let us create a struct that will help in providing the quadratic form data P,q,rP,q,r.

using DiffOpt

struct Form

using LinearAlgebra

LinearAlgebra.symmetric_type(::Type{Form}) = Form
LinearAlgebra.symmetric(f::Form, ::Symbol) = f
LinearAlgebra.transpose(f::Form) = f

The following function creates the data to construct the SDP relaxation.

function standard_form_data_constructor(c_1, c_2, c_3, a_1, x_lb, x_ub, y_lb, y_ub)

    data_model = Model()

    @variable(data_model, x_lb <= x[1:2] <= x_ub)

    @variable(data_model, y_lb <= y[1:2] <= y_ub)

    @variable(data_model, Z[1:2, 1:2], Symmetric)

    w = Vector{VariableRef}[]

    push!(w, x)

    push!(w, y)

    # create the vectorized w

    w_vec = reduce(vcat, w)

    # Add the qcqp constraints that we want to take to standard form

    con_shape = SymmetricMatrixShape(2)

    QuadCon1 = @constraint(data_model, vectorize(a_1*x*transpose(y) + A_1_op(x,y) - Z, con_shape) .== 0 )

    QuadCon2 = @constraint(data_model, vectorize(x*transpose(y) + A_2_op(x,y), con_shape) .<= 0 )

    # create index map that will contain the indices of the original decision variables

    index_map = MOI.Utilities.IndexMap()

    for (i, var_ref) in enumerate(w_vec)
        index_map[JuMP.index(var_ref)] = MOI.VariableIndex(i)

    n = length(index_map.var_map)

    remove = JuMP.index.(JuMP.vectorize(Z, con_shape)) # we have to ensure that we are not considering Z in w

    # The function `standard_form(con_ref::JuMP.ConstraintRef)` will take a `JuMP` quadratic function and convert it into a standard form quadratic constraint of the form $w^\top P w + q^\top w + r$ form.
    function standard_form_data(con_ref::JuMP.ConstraintRef)
        object = JuMP.constraint_object(con_ref)
        quad_func = JuMP.moi_function(object)
        quad_func = MOI.Utilities.substitute_variables(quad_func) do var
            F = MOI.ScalarAffineFunction{Float64}
            if var in remove
                return zero(F)
                return convert(F, var)
        matrix = DiffOpt.sparse_array_representation(quad_func, n, index_map)
        r = matrix.constant - MOI.constant(JuMP.moi_set(object))
        P, q = Matrix(0.5*matrix.quadratic_terms), Vector(matrix.affine_terms)
        # P, q = 0.5*matrix.quadratic_terms, matrix.affine_terms
        return Form(P, q, r)

    QuadCon1StdTerms = JuMP.reshape_vector(standard_form_data.(QuadCon1), con_shape)
    # For example,
    # QuadCon1StdTerms[1,1].P will give us corresponding P
    # QuadCon1StdTerms[1,1].q will give us corresponding q
    # QuadCon1StdTerms[1,1].r will give us corresponding r

    # QuadCon2StdTerms = map(QuadCon2) do con_refs
    #     JuMP.reshape_vector(standard_form_data.(QuadCon2), con_shape)
    # end

    QuadCon2StdTerms = JuMP.reshape_vector(standard_form_data.(QuadCon2), con_shape)

    return QuadCon1StdTerms, QuadCon2StdTerms


Test the function.

QuadCon1StdTerms, QuadCon2StdTerms = standard_form_data_constructor(c_1, c_2, c_3, a_1, x_lb, x_ub, y_lb, y_ub)

# For example,
# QuadCon1StdTerms[1,1].P will give us corresponding P
# QuadCon1StdTerms[1,1].q will give us corresponding q
# QuadCon1StdTerms[1,1].r will give us corresponding r

SDP relaxation model

So, we have the following SDP relaxation of (2):

pSDP=(minimizec1x+c2y+c3tr(Z)subject totr(P1(k,)W)+q1(k,)w+r1(k,)=Zk,,k[1:2],  [1:k],tr(P2(k,)W)+q2(k,)w+r2(k,)0,k[1:2],  [1:k],Z0,[Www1]0,w=vec(x,y),Wlwwwlwlwlw,Wlwwwlwuwuw,Wlwwwuwlwuw,lwwuw,) p_{\textrm{SDP}}^{\star}=\left(\begin{array}{ll} \textrm{minimize} & c_{1}^{\top}x+c_{2}^{\top}y+c_{3}\mathbf{tr}(Z)\\ \textrm{subject to} & \mathbf{tr}(P_{1}^{(k,\ell)}W)+q_{1}^{(k,\ell)\top}w+r_{1}^{(k,\ell)}=Z_{k,\ell},\quad k\in[1:2],\;\ell\in[1:k],\\ & \mathbf{tr}(P_{2}^{(k,\ell)}W)+q_{2}^{(k,\ell)\top}w+r_{2}^{(k,\ell)}\leq0,\quad k\in[1:2],\;\ell\in[1:k],\\ & Z\succeq0,\\ & \begin{bmatrix}W & w\\ w^{\top} & 1 \end{bmatrix}\succeq0,\\ & w=\textrm{vec}(x,y),\\ & W-l_{w}w^{\top}-wl_{w}^{\top}\geq-l_{w}l_{w}^{\top},\\ & W-l_{w}w{}^{\top}-wl_{w}^{\top}\geq-u_{w}u_{w}^{\top},\\ & W-l_{w}w^{\top}-wu_{w}^{\top}\geq-l_{w}u_{w}^{\top},\\ & l_{w}\leq w\leq u_{w}, \end{array}\right)

where the decision variables are x,yR2,  ZS2,  WS4x,y\in\mathbf{R}^{2},\; Z\in\mathbf{S}^{2},\; W\in\mathbf{S}^{4}. The last four constraints are called RLT cuts that are valid inequalities for W=wwW=w w^\top. For more details about the RLT cut and how the SDP relaxation is constructed in general, see

Anstreicher, Kurt M. "Semidefinite programming versus the reformulation-linearization technique for nonconvex quadratically constrained quadratic programming." Journal of Global Optimization 43.2 (2009): 471-484.


Let us solve the SDP model step by step.

using Mosek, MosekTools

function SDP_relaxation_solver(c_1, c_2, c_3, a_1, x_lb, x_ub, y_lb, y_ub, QuadCon1StdTerms, QuadCon2StdTerms; big_M = 100, RLT_cut = :on)

    # Define the SDP model

    SDP_model = Model(optimizer_with_attributes(Mosek.Optimizer))

    @variable(SDP_model, x_lb <= x[1:2] <= x_ub)

    @variable(SDP_model, y_lb <= y[1:2] <= y_ub)

    @variable(SDP_model, Z[1:2, 1:2], PSD)

    w = Vector{VariableRef}[]

    push!(w, x)

    push!(w, y)

    # create the vectorized w

    w_vec = reduce(vcat, w)

    len_w = length(w_vec)

    @variable(SDP_model, W[1:len_w, 1:len_w], Symmetric)

    @objective(SDP_model, Min, c_1'*x + c_2'*y + c_3*tr(Z) )

    dim_Z = 2

    # SDP relaxation of qudratic constraint 1
    # ---------------------------------------

    for k in 1:dim_Z
        forin 1:k
            @constraint(SDP_model, tr(QuadCon1StdTerms[k,ℓ].P * W) + (QuadCon1StdTerms[k,ℓ].q)'*w_vec + (QuadCon1StdTerms[k,ℓ].r) == Z[k,ℓ] )

    # SDP relaxation of qudratic constraint 2
    # ---------------------------------------

    for k in 1:dim_Z
        forin 1:k
            @constraint(SDP_model, tr(QuadCon2StdTerms[k,ℓ].P * W) + (QuadCon2StdTerms[k,ℓ].q)'*w_vec + (QuadCon2StdTerms[k,ℓ].r) <= 0 )

    # Schur complement constraint
    # ---------------------------

    @constraint(SDP_model, schurCon, [W w_vec; w_vec' 1] in PSDCone())

    @constraint(SDP_model, c_1'*x + c_2'*y + c_3*tr(Z) >= -400 )

    @constraint(SDP_model, c_1'*x + c_2'*y + c_3*tr(Z) <= -200 )

    # Add RLT cuts
    # ------------

    if RLT_cut == :on

        # construct lower and upper bound vector for w_vec

        l_w = zeros(len_w)
        u_w = zeros(len_w)

        for i in 1:len_w

            if has_upper_bound(w_vec[i]) == true
                u_w[i] = upper_bound(w_vec[i])
                u_w[i] = big_M

            if has_lower_bound(w_vec[i]) == true
                l_w[i] = lower_bound(w_vec[i])
                l_w[i] = -big_M


        # Add RLT cuts
        # ------------

        con_shape = SymmetricMatrixShape(2)

        @info "[🎠 ] Adding RLT cuts"

        @constraint(SDP_model, RLT_cut_1, vectorize( W - l_w*w_vec' - w_vec*l_w' + l_w*l_w', con_shape) .>= 0)

        @constraint(SDP_model, RLT_cut_2, vectorize(W - l_w*w_vec' - w_vec*l_w' + u_w*u_w', con_shape) .>= 0)

        @constraint(SDP_model, RLT_cut_3, vectorize(W - l_w*w_vec' - w_vec*u_w' + l_w*u_w', con_shape) .>= 0)

        @constraint(SDP_model, RLT_cut_4, l_w .<= w_vec)

        @constraint(SDP_model, RLT_cut_5, w_vec .<= u_w )


    # Solve the optimization problem



    if termination_status(SDP_model) != MOI.OPTIMAL
        @info "[💀]"
        @error "model_dual_PEP_with_known_stepsizes solving did not reach optimality;  termination status = " termination_status(SDP_model)

    x_star = value.(x)

    y_star = value.(y)

    Z_star = value.(Z)

    W_star = value.(W)

    p_star = objective_value(SDP_model)

    return x_star, y_star, Z_star, W_star, p_star


Test the function.

x_star_SDP, y_star_SDP, Z_star_SDP, W_star_SDP, p_star_SDP = SDP_relaxation_solver(c_1, c_2, c_3, a_1, x_lb, x_ub, y_lb, y_ub, QuadCon1StdTerms, QuadCon2StdTerms; big_M = 100, RLT_cut = :on)